My Little Duke goes LIVE!

I hope you all had a wonderful easter, it is safe to say that we have been completely overwhelmed by your support since our website went live. In our first week we had over 2500 people view the site and we are so so grateful! Thank you for joining us on this crazy adventure. We are just at the very beginning of our journey and we have been so blessed by you guys already!
We do hope that you have been enjoying browsing our site and don’t forget to keep an eye out for new updates and offers in the near future! I have to give credit to my amazing husband, Matt for all his hard work on the site … you’re bound to agree that it looks pretty awesome, right?! Truth be told, I am totally clueless when it comes to the technical side of things. Just make an order and I’ll wrap it up nicely for you!! I do hope you like our packaging. All you incredible mamas deserve gorgeous parcels!
We would absolutely love to hear your thoughts about the site, and about our products. We currently stock just a limited number of each product and would be very happy to order other colours of pacifier clips and varieties of books and necklaces for you. So do get in touch, either through our Facebook Page ( or the CONTACT US section of the site - we would love to hear from you!
As most of you mamas know, those new early days, weeks and months of motherhood are a blur of emotions, challenges and moments of pure bliss that you thought couldn’t even be possible! My little bundle of joy is already 4 months old and typing that actually makes me want to cry a little at the time that has so quickly passed us by. In many a quiet moment while Phoebe was sleeping or nursing, I thought about blogging or noting down some of the precious and more challenging moments during those first few months. I never did, and I so regret it now. So you might find me writing on here, a wee note here and there about this other crazy journey we are on. The one that brought My Little Duke into fruition. The one that keeps me awake at night, keeps me laughing, smiling, crying, worrying, expecting and praying. This journey is the kind of happy I want to be for the rest of my life!
There she is … Phoebe Rose Duke at 4 months old.
Likes: Giggling at our two mental cocker spaniels, splashing in the bath and at Water Babies, talking to herself, her toys and at anyone who will listen, sitting up, being nosey, cuddling her teddy and doing anything with her best friend Bobby!
Dislikes: Daddy’s scary raspberry kisses and the sun in her eyes.
Steph xo