My Little Miss Phoebe Duke

It's only hours until our baby boutique site goes live and I can honestly say that my tummy is churning; a mix of nervous excitement and fear!! Excitement that this crazy little dream of mine is fast becoming a reality and fear that no-one will want to actually buy anything!!
I guess a good first blog post would be to share a little with you about our idea behind My Little Duke. The title of this blog post is your clue - Miss Phoebe Rose Duke. Our wee woman was born by emergency c-section on December 16th 2014, 9lbs, 11oz in all her newborn glory. From that incredible moment she has totally turned my life upside down and since that day, I have never been the same! What a blessing she is to both my husband and I and the saying really is true - we cannot imagine our lives without her!
As a new mama, I am always on the lookout for beautiful products for my little lady, and found that most of my search ended up in the USA. I have found some gorgeous and unique items from the most fabulous mamas over there! They are too good not to share, and I thought, why not? So here I am, sharing a few of my favourite products from the States with you!
We are beginning with limited stock from three stores. In our online boutique you will find a small selection of the awesome children's books from BabyLit, a range of the stunning teething necklaces by Rachel at Chewable Charm and some select colours of Lexie's fab faux leather pacifier clips from Loved by Sophia Claire! Watch out for a blog post with more details about all three of our American partnerships!
I could not have made this dream a reality without the creativity and ingenuity of my amazing husband, Matt. Together, along with our darling daughter, we make up the trio behind My Little Duke. We are so passionate about these products and hope that you will love them as much as we do! You can read more in our ABOUT US section on the site.
Much love,
Steph xx