Why Neal's Yard Remedies?
As many of you will know I’ve been on a bit of a journey since quitting my teaching job last October. These last few months have been a crucial time of rediscovering who I am and what I’m called to do. For 6 years, teaching defined me. It’s where I found my identity, my value and my worth. Then, when career was suddenly stripped away from me, I began to realise my value system was all kinds of wrong and I knew exactly where to look to begin to fix it.
God has taken me on quite a learning curve, and the process is still ongoing. There’s been a lot of rewiring, refocusing and relearning stuff about myself and about God. I’m incredibly grateful to be able to say that the Lord has been so faithful to our family, gently leading us every step of the way. It doesn’t mean that I’m getting everything right, certainly not! But, knowing Him close and trusting His voice gives me an amazing peace that I had been missing.
So without the title of ‘teacher’ – who even am I? This is something I’ve been exploring and carving some time and space to discover. During this process I’ve unearthed some skills and passions that had previously been lying dormant - creativeness that was buried so far beneath the surface; weighed down by busyness, distraction and a mind too narrow to even comprehend the idea that I was creative at all! A writer?! Ha! You must be joking!
Well, no. Actually.
I have been assured, more than ever, that God has called me to write, to speak, to put pen to paper, fingers to keys … to be a voice. It’s more a charge to be obedient to Him and to the dreams he is continually writing on my heart, no matter how crazy they seem! So I’ll keep writing and keep dreaming. I’ll keep learning and filling my basket with my God-given skills, gifts and talents. I take no credit! It’s all Him - His grace and goodness. He is so kind! And I’ll keep adding so that I can keep giving away … this is where Neal’s Yard comes in.
The table from my launch party - @justlaurajayne must get credit for this!!
Becoming an Independent Consultant for Neal’s Yard Remedies is another string to my bow, another beautiful tool in my basket. It’s hopefully a way for me to earn a little extra income and to enjoy and to share the gorgeous range with you. As my kit grows, so too does my passion and confidence in a brand that I can stand by and support. The stats speak for themselves: British-owned Neal’s Yard Remedies is award winning, ethical and organic. It seeks to leave a gentle environmental footprint and to trade fairly. Yes. Just yes. God cares about our wellbeing and how we look after our planet, and as I seek to lead a slower, more simple and joyful life, I find Neal’s Yard just fits. The people-oriented nature of being a Consultant appeals to my heart for community and conversation, and I am falling more in love with the products every day. The work is flexible and I can do as little or as much as suits me in this season. I’m excited to get creative with it and use it to bless others too.
A little disclaimer - I am no Neal’s Yard expert! I’m just at the beginning of my Consultant journey so please go easy on me! If I don’t know the answer to your questions, I’ll be sure to go and find them out for you. My range of products is only small and I can only speak from my limited experience, but I do hope I can give you a little idea of what you can expect from this brilliant blue bottle brand!
What I particularly love about Neal’s Yard though, is that it’s more than just good skincare. It’s holistic health: it’s looking and feeling good from the inside out. Using Neal’s Yard products genuinely brings me great joy. I remember getting my first samples and being surprised at how much I loved them. Over the last few months I’ve introduced some Neal’s Yard products into my daily skincare routine. I’ve been using and continue to use the ‘Your Good Skin’ range from Boots (you can read all about my journey with YGS here) - it’s very affordable (one of the reasons I’d been using it) but it never felt like something really special. Neal’s Yard ticks all the boxes for me. It feels like a luxury product but doesn’t have the luxury price tag. It’s a balance and I get what I’m paying for – and just a little product goes a very long way!
The beautiful 'bee lovely' hand wash!
Can I let you in on a wee secret? Neal’s Yard is the only range that actually makes me take off my makeup at night! Shameful I know! Please don’t judge me! But, I am the world’s laziest person when it comes to beauty. However, you’ll be proud that I have been faithfully removing my makeup, toning and moisturising every night – and enjoying it too! I love the luxuriousness of Neal’s Yard. Each use feels like such a treat. I’ve been waiting for the novelty to wear off but it hasn’t. In fact, I’m falling more in love with the products the more I use them! I take real delight even in washing my hands now – it’s the simple joys for me these days. The ‘bee lovely’ hand wash that was meant for the guest bathroom has managed to find a permanent home on my bathroom shelf – and it’s currently on sale! Hooray! I’ve also enjoyed some really special moments with my 3-year-old daughter Phoebe using Neal’s Yard. She loves the ‘bee lovely’ range – especially getting to sit with her hands in a bowl of warm water with the hand wash and getting a little special treatment from mummy. She adores the smell and getting to put the hand cream on! The last time we did it together I had a real God-moment – He reminded me of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet and the call to service. Like I said earlier, for me, Neal’s Yard is another way I can serve and bless others.
Life is busy. Life is stressful. For me, Neal’s Yard is my way of injecting a little joy into my days. Whether it’s just washing my hands, moisturising my face or whether it’s those special moments of important self-care: taking a bath or putting a facemask on – Neal’s Yard products put a smile on my face every time I use them. This same experience is what I want to share with you. Even in the short time that I’ve been a consultant (just a few weeks) I’ve enjoyed watching some of you fall in love with the products and been delighted to treat you with samples or a bit of pampering. More of this please!
If you are in Northern Ireland and would like to get sampling some products with friends, please drop me a line. I’d love nothing more than to come and to serve and pamper you, while introducing you to Neal’s Yard. As a host you receive a free host gift and discounted shopping too! Or, if you’re reading this and thinking that being a Neal’s Yard consultant could work for you – I’d love to have a chat and give you the details on the huge range of benefits you can enjoy as a consultant. Plus, you’d be joining my team and we could journey together!
The award winning, multi-use wild rose beauty balm!
You can nosey and order through my own consultant website for Neal's Yard - just click here. Alternatively, if you've any questions about NYRO or being a hostess I'd love to hear from you!
Things are a’changing a little for My Little Duke. The rebrand is nearly complete and I’m so excited to share the new online space with you and see where the next season takes us!
As always, thank you for reading and sharing in my journey! I love having you around ...
Steph xox